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CSIT 2007 Conference Program
Monday, September 24, 2007
1000 - 1240 |
Opening Plenary Session
Chair: Yu. Shoukourian
1000 |
Welcome Messages |
1030 |
Yu. Shoukourian (NAS RA) - Development of Modern Computation and Information Environment for Research and Education Community in Armenia
1100 - 1120 |
Coffee Break |
1120 |
I. Duff (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK) - The Use of Hybrid Techniques for the Solution of Large Scale Problems
1200 |
I. Zaslavsky (IIAP NAS RA) - Fuzzy Symmetric Constructive Logic
1300 - 1400 |
1400 - 1600 |
Parallel Sessions
1400 - 1600 |
1600 - 1800 |
Parallel Sessions
1600 - 1800 |
2000 |
Welcome Reception
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
1000 - 1100 |
Plenary Session Chair: A. Slissenko |
1000 |
M. Moller (EC, INFSODG) - On EU R&D Framwork Programme 7
1020 |
V. Ivannikov (Russia, ISP) - Концепция и технологии построения портала знаний (Большая Российская Энциклопедия)
1040 |
H. Uchida (Japan, UNDL) - CWL: A common web language for humans and computer
1100 - 1110 |
Coffee Break |
1110 - 1300 |
Special Session
FP7 ICT Event in Armenia
Moderator: L. Aslanyan
1300 - 1400 |
1400 - 1600 |
Parallel Sessions
1400 - 1600 |
1600 - 1800 |
Parallel Sessions
1600 - 1800 |
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
1000 - 1900 |
Social Program |
1000 - 1300 |
Workshop: UNL-Armenian Module
Chair: H. Uchida
1000 - 1300 |
Workshop: Scientific computing GRID (project ISTC A-1451)
Chair: V. Sahakyan
Thursday, September 27, 2007
1000 - 1100 |
Plenary Session
Chair: Yu. Shoukourian |
1000 |
R. Goldman (Synopsys, Vice- President) - Trends in Semiconductor Design and Manufacturing
1030 |
V. Shahgildian (Russia, President of MTUCI) - Стохастические системы синхронизации
1100 - 1110 |
Coffee Break |
1110 - 1300 |
Research and Education Networks. Problems and Solutions
Moderator: I. Mkrtoumian
1300 - 1400 |
1400 - 1600 |
Parallel Sessions
1400 - 1600 |
1600 - 1800 |
Parallel Sessions
1600 - 1800 |
Friday, September 28, 2007
1000 - 1200 |
Final Session |
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