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About IIAP:
Established in 1957, Institute forInformatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) is the leading research and technology development institute of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NAS RA) in the area of applied mathematics, informatics and computing technologies. IIAP is one of the leading research institutes in the Caucasus region, responsible for project implementation and management on a regional level.
Research activities are structured around three main fields: Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Software tools, networking and e-infrastructures, and Implementation of ICT for state and social needs.
Each direction is further subdivided as follows:
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics:
- - Models of Computations and Logical Reasoning
- - Discrete Mathematics
- - Information Theory and Statistical Models
- - Coding and Signal Processing
Software tools, Networking and E-infrastructures:
- - Computational and Cognitive Networks
- - Applied Programming Systems
- - Scientific Computing
Implementation of ICT for state and social needs:
- - ICT Innovation and Business
- - Scientific Information Analysis and Monitoring
Among IIAP’s major achievements are:
- design, development and full management of Academic Scientific Research Computer
Network of Armenia (ASNET-AM, http://www.asnet.am);
- operation and management of two major federal programs funded by the Armenian Government
- Creation of Armenian State Computing System,
- Deployment of National Grid Infrastructure.
IIAP is actively involved in EC Framework Programmes. Recent projects include:
- VRE for Regional Interdisciplinary Communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean (EC Horizon2020, 2015–2018)
- GÉANT Research and Education Networking (EC Horizon2020, 2015-2020)
- Bringing the EU-EECA cooperation and policy dialogue in ICT in the HORIZON 2020 era (EC FP7, 2014-2016)
- Integrating Armenia into ERA: Information and Communication Technologies (EC FP7, 2012-2015)
- Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services (EC FP7, 2013-2015)
- The Eastern Partnership Connect (EC DG for Neighborhood and Enlargements Negotiations (2015-2018)
- Modernization of Mathematics and Statistics curricula for Engineering and Natural Sciences studies in Georgian and Armenian Universities by introducing modern educational technologies (TEMPUS, 2014-2016)
- Developing tools for lifelong learning in Transcaucasus region: e-Learning (TEMPUS, 2014-2016)
Recent national projects include:
- Theoretical Computer Science Development and Creation of Knowledge-based IT Tools (2015-2020)
- Implementation of national e-infrastructure for solving problems of natural science (2012-2016)
- Development and Support of Armenian Research and Educational Computer Network (2010-2016)
- Application Driven Inverse Type Constraint Satisfaction Problems (2016-2017)
- Development of the Methods of Mathematical Logic and Their Applications to the Testing of Electronic Circuits (2016-2017)
- Towards the Green Electronic Infrastructures (2016-2017)
- Investigation of closed accessible set systems and their applications (2013-2015)
- Investigations of logical systems and their applications to automated translation algorithms and electronic circuits testing (2013-2015)
- New algorithms for processing bio-metric dates and their applications insecurity system (2013-2015)
- Investigation of math.-statistical applicable models using information-theoretical method (2013-2015)
- Creation of optimal structures of information exchange of multiprocessor systems (2013-2015)
Organization and Management of International Scientific Events
IIAP has extensive experience in organization and management ofinternational scientific conferences, workshops, and summer schools.
A few most prominent venues are listed below.
- For the past twenty years starting 1997, once every two years IIAP organizes and hosts CSIT conferences (https://www.csit.am).
Topics of the CSIT’19 included:
- Algorithms, Automata and Logic
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Cloud and Grid Computing
- Cognitive Algorithms and Models
- Cryptography and Cyber-security
- Design and Test
- Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorial Analysis
- Information Technologies Applications
- Information Theory and Coding Theory
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
- Telecommunication and Networking
Selected revised articles from CSIT’13 and CSIT’15 were published at the IEEE Conference Proceedings:
- http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?reload=true&punumber=6705335
- https://ieee-collabratec.ieee.org/app/event/36001
- IIAP was the local organizer of CASC 2010 (12th International Workshop in Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, http://www14.in.tum.de/CASC2010/), held in the city of Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, in September 5-12, 2010.
- IIAP was the local organizer of LPAR2007 (14th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning), held in Yerevan, Armenia, in October 15-19, 2007.
- IIAP was the host and local organizer of the JAF23 conference (23rd Days of Weak Arithmetics, http://jaf23.sci.am) held in Yerevan, Armenia, in June 2-5, 2004.
- Other scientific venues, with IIAPrepresentatives serving on thePCs or responsible for event’s organization, include numerous Joint International Scientific Events onINFORMATICS, i.e.:
- i.TECH (since 2007),
- CFDM (since 2009),
- TFIM 2016(since 2011),
- NIT (since 2009),
- AIM(since 2011).
IIAP associates maintain a broad range of professional contacts in Europe (including France, Germany, Hungary, Finland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Poland), as well as in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus and the USA. Over a hundred articles, authored by IIAP staff, are being published annually in refereed scientific journals worldwide, including:
- Discrete Applied Mathematics;
- Discrete Mathematics;
- Cybernetics and Systems Analysis;
- Applied Mathematical Sciences;
- Information Technologies & Knowledge;
- Algebra and Discrete Mathematics;
- Information Theories and Applications;
- Information Content and Processing;
- Next Generation Information Technology;
- South-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics;
- Journal of Graph Theory;
- Advances Difference Equations;
- Pattern recognition and image analysis;
- IEEE VLSI Test Symposium;
- IEEE workshop on Cloud Engineering;
- International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications;
- IET Signal Processing;
- International Conference on Large-scale Scientific Computations;
- Mathematical Modelling;
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical;
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science;
- Journal of Statistics and Econometrics;
- Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics;
- International Journal of Number Theory;
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
Articles particularly related to parallel computing were published in:
- Earth Science Informatics;
- Journal of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations;
- Computer Standards & Interfaces;
- International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research;
- Journal of Grid Computing;
- Journal of Software Engineering and Applications;
- Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing.
For more information please visit http://iiap.sci.am/
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