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Workshop on “Digital Technologies in Education and Management”
Organized jointly by National Polytechnic University of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia) and State University of Management (Moscow, Russia)
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For participating remotely please click HERE
The main goal of the Workshop is to become a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of digital technologies mostly dedicated to education and management. We expect to bring together academicians, educators, engineers, managers and policy-makers from all over the world and hope that leading specialists of the field will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange.
Digitalisation deals with exploring and understanding Digital Technology as a set of hardware, software and methodological tools that determines both the strategic and operational capabilities in designing and developing products for corporate productivity, profitability, competitiveness and, certainly, maximum customer satisfaction. This requires scientifically based and methodologically developed harmonization of technologies and business strategies.
Another crucial factor is the modern innovative education based on the thoughtful organization and management of educational processes for which, in its turn, correct use of advanced Digital Technology can provide high quality of education.
No less important is the topic of cyber security and data protection. Digital companies benefit from increasing attractiveness through digital services and improved user experience. The increase in digital systems and the associated information volumes make data protection and cyber security as a whole all the more important. Every company that becomes digital has to deal with this.
The scope of the Workshop covers both theoretical and practical areas of Digital Technologies focused on Education and Management. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Digital Technology Governance, Financial Management in Digital Technology, Digital Technology Service Management, Personnel Management in Digital Technology, Digital Technology Configuration Management, Business and Digital Technology Alignment, Education for Digital Technology Managers, Innovative Education Based on Digital Technology, Evaluation of Active Teaching and Learning Technologies, Cyber Security Management, Organization of Data Protection.
Workshop participation registration
Workshop on "Using UAVs for monitoring hard-to-reach objects"
Organized jointly by Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA, National Polytechnic University of Armenia and Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute
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Workshop is supposed to discuss the issues of methodology, technical implementation and use of UAVs for monitoring hard-to-reach objects (bridges, tunnels, high-rise buildings, power plants and power transmission lines, water supply channels, roads, etc.) to assess the technical condition.
The Workshop's objectives are:
1. Automation of objects monitoring
2. Development and implementation of technical means of monitoring
3. Development and implementation of software
4. Development of legal provisions for monitoring
Workshop participation registration
Workshop on "Internationalization of the Armenian Science: Challenges and Solutions" |
Main Goal:
The workshop is intended to come together and discuss the internationalization of Armenian science into the agenda of the Armenian academic field and the latest developments in global open science commons. It will also cover the work done so far in this direction.
- Global science clouds to support cross-disciplinary open science, including European Open Science Cloud
- Research data management standards and principles, including the FAIR principle
- Readiness of Armenian scientific community towards open data
- Integration of Armenia in Open science movement: achievements and further steps
- Open data repositories: risks and opportunities
Target groups:
- Researchers and students
- Editors of scientific journals
- Administrative staff of scientific organizations
- Policy makers in the field of science
Anastas Mishev is a professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at UKIM. The focus of his research is infrastructures for collaborative computing and research, primarily Grid and High-Performance Computing systems. His aim is to get these systems closer to all potential users, mainly the research communities, in order to fully use their enormous potential. He researched in the areas of computer architectures and networks, software engineering, Internet technologies and e-learning, and is co-author of over 70 scientific papers published in international journals and proceedings of conferences. He has participated in the implementation of over 30 international projects funded by TEMPUS, PHARE, DAAD and FP programs, targeting the development of IT infrastructure and IT education. He was national coordinator of the e-infrastructure project HP-SEE (FP7), VI-SEEM (H2020) and NI4OS-Europe (as WP leader). He participated in GEANT GN projects since GN3. He is a member and a former president of the board of MARNet, the NREN in North Macedonia.
Dr. Ognjen Prnjat holds the position of Director of European Infrastructures and Projects at GRNET. In this role he is responsible for the overall GRNET involvement in pan-European and worldwide e-Infrastructures. He is also organizing various aspects of e-Infrastructures in the South-East European region and beyond, their sustainability and seamless integration in pan-European landscape. In the past 15 years he has acted as project coordinator for 7 EC projects in the field, focusing on e-Infrastructure service development in South East Europe, and is currently the Project Coordinator of NI4OS-Europe. Previously Ognjen was with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London, where as a Research Fellow he was leading technical and project management aspects of a number of EC ACTS/IST and UK EPSRC projects in diverse fields of computing and telecoms. He holds a Bachelor of Eng. Degree in Electronics and Electrical Eng. (First Class Honors) from University of Surrey, UK; MSc (Distinction) from University College London; and Ph.D. in Telecoms also from UCL.
Dr. Ilias Papastamatiou is an Electrical and Computer Engineer of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and holds the position of the Project Manager at GRNET since 2020. He participates in the management and implementation of National and EU projects in the area of High-Performance Network Connectivity and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) such as GEANT’s GN4-3 and GN4-3N, NI4OS-Europe and EOSC-Future. Previously, during 2014-2020, he worked at the European Commission in Brussels, and specifically as Member of the Cabinet to the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship and later as Policy Officer at the Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME). During 2013-2014 he was Advisor at the Hellenic Ministry of National Defence and Head of the ICT Department of the Minister’s Cabinet. He retained the same position for the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 2012-2013. He and holds a PhD from NTUA with honours in the research domain of Decision Support Systems, Smart Cities and ICT. Mr Papastamatiou has received awards for his work by the Greek Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NTUA, IEEE and the Canadian research association AIE - Advances in Engineering.
Dr. Hrachya Astsatryan studied mathematics and graduated from Yerevan State University in 1998. In 2001 he received his Ph.D. from the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA and in 2020 habilitation degree (HDR) from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse. His research experience is related to the topics of e-infrastructures and scientific computations. He has authored more than 70 articles in the revised journals and proceedings. Now he is the director and head of the Center for Scientific Computing of the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia.
Dr. Shushanik Sargsyan is a head of the Center for the Information Analysis and Monitoring, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia. She is also an assistant professor at Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi and the International Scientific-Educational Center of NAS RA. Dr. Sargsyan is an author of dozens of articles in biophysics and scientometrics published in local and international journals. Dr. Sargsyan is/was actively engaged in several international projects related to modern trends in scholarly communication, such as OpenAIRE, NI4OS-Europe. She is also active in projects on a national level related to open science, as a result of which Armenian OpenAIRE NOAD was build and integrated into the pan-European OpenAIRE network. Her research interests include bibliometrics, open science, medical physics etc.
Workshop participation registration
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