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Workshop on "Information Technology Management"
The main goal of the Workshop is to become a valuable and important platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of information technology (IT) management. We expect to bring together academicians, educators, engineers, managers and policy-makers from all over the world, and hope that leading specialists of the field will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange.
Information Technology Management deals with exploring and understanding Information Technology as a set of hardware, software and methodological tools that determines both the strategic and operational capabilities in designing and developing products for corporate productivity, profitability, competitiveness and, certainly, maximum customer satisfaction. This requires scientifically based and methodologically developed harmonization of technologies and business strategies.
Another crucial factor is the modern education for information technology managers on the basis of the thoughtful organization and management of educational processes for which, in its turn, correct use of advanced Information Technology can provide high quality of education.
The scope of Workshop covers both theoretical and practical areas of Information Technology Management; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: Information Technology Governance, Financial Management in Information Technology, Information Technology Service Management, Personnel Management in Information Technology, Information Technology Configuration Management, Business and Information Technology Alignment, Education for Information Technology Managers, Information Technology in Education, Evaluation of Teaching and Learning Technologies.
Possible Participants:
Participation in the Workshop already pre-confirmed by professionals from:
- National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia,
- State University of Management, Moscow, Russia,
- Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia,
- Perm National Research Politechnical University, Perm, Russia
- Almaty University of Energy and Communication, Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Karaganda State Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyz State Technical University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Workshop papers submission extended deadline: May 31, 2017
Workshop participation registration deadline: August 31, 2017
Workshop on "Promoting Cooperation between researchers in Armenia
and Scientific Diaspora in ICT and Related Research Fields" organized jointly with
EU funded H2020 EaP+ Project, September 27, 2017 |  |
Main Goal:
The main aim of the Workshop is to bring together Armenian and Diaspora researchers from European Countries to facilitate cooperation towards setting up partnerships and networking that could evolve to consortia for joint applications to EU HORIZON2020 Programme.
In this view, the Workshop objectives include:
- To support a stronger interaction between researchers from Armenia and Diaspora in European countries;
- To support increased joint participation in H2020;
- To encourage targeted cooperation between Armenian research community and EU Scientific Diaspora in EU to stimulate synergies among them;
- To discuss the bottlenecks and opportunities for joint applications to H2020 with involvement of Scientific Diaspora from EU.
Target Audience/Participants:
- Representatives of Armenian Scientific Diaspora in EU preferably with intensive international cooperation experience in ICT and related fields;
- Researchers from Armenia including Academy institutes, universities and other research organizations;
- Representatives of SMEs and research intensive NGOs;
Workshop participation registration deadline: August 31, 2017
Workshop on "Scientometrics: Basic Concepts and Approaches", September 28, 2017
Main Goal:
The aim of the workshop is to the present the basic concepts and approaches used in the modern day Scientometrics, introduce its application in Armenia, make some comparative analysis relevant to the development of science in Armenia.
The objectives of this workshop include:
- Introduction to the basic concepts and approaches used in the scientometric analysis;
- Introduction to the application of scientometrics in Armenia and abroad;
- Introduction to the assessment of scientific collaboration;
- Comparative analysis of scientific output of Armenia;
- Assessment of IT field in Armenia, prospects and opportunities;
- Discuss the quantitative analysis of the Armenian science, its strong and weak sides.
Target Group:
The target group for this workshop is quite broad. It can be interesting for
- Scientists working both in Armenia and abroad.
- Librarians,
- Editors, editorial staff,
- IT specialists,
- Mathematicians,
- Government officials,
- Science field managers
- Science policy drafters,
- NGO’s involved in the science sector,
- Scientific foundations, etc.
Workshop participation registration deadline: August 31, 2017
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