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Michel Daydé, Benjamin Depardon, Alain Franc, Jean-Franc¸ois Gibrat, Romaric Guilllier, Yasaman Karami, Christian Pérez, Frédéric Suter, Bruck Taddese, Marie Chabbert, Sylvie Thérond
E-Biothon: an Experimental Platform for BioInformatics
Mikhail Mandrykin, Alexey Khoroshilov
Towards Deductive Verification of Concurrent Linux Kernel Code with Jessie
Algorithms, Automata and Logic
Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz
Primitive Recursion on Higher Types
Anahit Chubaryan, Armine Chubaryan, Arman Tshitoyan
On Lower Bounds for Steps and Sizes of Proofs in Frege Systems
Sergey Davidov, Jahangir Hatami
Equational Theory of Algebras with Fuzzy Operations
A.A. Letichevsky, O.O. Letychevskyi
Predicate Transformers for Local Description Units
Arsen H. Mokatsian
On the tt-Complete Set which is tt-Mitotic but not btt-Mitotic
Yuri Movsisyan, Diana S. Davidova
A Characterization of Hyperidentities of the Variety of Weakly Idempotent Lattices
Hayk Poghosyan, Vahagn Poghosyan
Frontal Cellular Automata for the Study of Non-Equilibrium Lattice Models
Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorial Analysis
Hayk Aslanyan
On Incidence Colorings of Cartesian Products of Graphs
Levon Aslanyan, Hasmik Sahakyan, Hans-Dietrich Gronau, Peter Wagner
Constraints and Characterization of Subsets of n-Dimensional Unit Cube
Armen S. Asratian, Carl J. Casselgren, Petros A. Petrosyan
On Interval Cyclic Colorings of Bipartite Graphs
Samvel Kh. Darbinyan
On Hamiltonian Bypasses in Digraphs with the Condition of Y. Manoussakis
Samvel Kh. Darbinyan, Iskandar A. Karapetyan
On pre-Hamiltonian Cycles in Hamiltonian Digraphs
Giorgi Giorgobiani, Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia, Marina Menteshashvili
Some Properties of Hadamard Matrices
Vilyam Hovnanyan, Vahagn Poghosyan, Suren Poghosyan
Open Problems in Gossip/Broadcast Schemes and the Possible Application of the Method of Local Interchange
Vilik Karakhanyan
Description of Stable Subsets of the n-Dimensional Multivalued Discrete Torus
Karen Karapetyan
Large Caps in Affine Space AG(n,3)
Hrant Khachatrian, Tigran Mamikonyan
On Interval Edge-Colorings of Bipartite Graphs of Small Order
Nerses A. Khachatryan
Interval Total Colorings of Block Graphs
Wunna Kyaw
Virtual Sea Polygon and Programming aspects in dynamic of ships
Zhora Nikoghosyan
On Spanning Tree Problems Arising in Optical and Terminal Networks
Petros A. Petrosyan
Interval Edge-Colorings with Gaps of Bipartite Graphs
Eduard Yeghiazaryan
On the Length of the Minimal Testor for Some Class of Binary Tables
Information Theory and Coding Theory
Nasrin Afshar, Evgueni Haroutunian, Mariam Haroutunian
An Inner Bound for Secrecy E-capacity Region of the Multiple Access Channel with Confidential Messages
Vladimir B. Balakirsky, Anahit R. Ghazaryan
On the Private Information Retrieval of the Fragment of the Single-Database
Evgueni A. Haroutunian, Parandzem M. Hakobyan
Most Powerful Test for Multiple Hypotheses
Evgueni A. Haroutunian, Irina A. Safaryan, Narine S. Harutyunyan
Using Rank Tests and Threshold Copulas for Classification of Multidimensional Data Sets
Aram Jivanyan, Gurgen Khachatryan, Tigran Sokhakyan, Davit Danoyan
Acceleration of Secure Function Evaluation Protocol
Melsik K. Kyureghyan, Sergey Abrahamyan, Knarik M. Kyuregyan
Construction of Irreducible Polynomials with Known Orders
Suren Poghosyan, Yeghisabet Alaverdyan
Construction of Edge Fault-Tolerant Codes for Minimal Gossip Schemes
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
David Asatryan, Samvel Hovsepyan
Vision Based Technique for Smoke and Fire Detection in Monitored Forest Terrain
Rafayel Barseghyan
Complexity of the Composite Length FFT Algorithms
Valery Grishkin
Document Image Segmentation Based on Wavelet Features
Aram Jivanyan, Roland Yeghiazaryan
Development of Zero-Knowledge Cloud Encryption Gateway
Sahak Kaghyan, Hakob Sarukhanyan
Multithreaded Signal Preprocessing Approach for Inertial Sensors of Smartphone
Gurgen Khachatryan, Mihran Hovsepyan, Aram Jivanyan
Efficient Secure Pattern Search Algorithm
Hakob Sarukhanyan
Antipodal Sequences and Matrices
Sophia Sosinskaya, Daniel Nelle, Anastasia Тarasova
The Reduction of Attribute Space Dimensionality in the Fuzzy Classification
Lukáš Šroba, Rudolf Ravas, Ján Grman
Using Image Stereo Pair to Determine the Displacement between Two Corresponding Cameras
Hassan Ghaedi, Moslem Safdari, Alireza Chamkoori
A New Approach Based on Graph Structure for Face Recognition
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Manuk Akopyan
Performance Penalty Detection in MPI Applications
Hamlet Aslanyan, Sargis Simonyan
Parallel Computation of Matrix Discrete Multiplications in the Field of Differential Transformations Based on Work-Stealing Task Scheduler
Arutyun Avetisyan, Shamil Kurmangaleev, Sevak Sargsyan, Mariam Arutunian, Andrey Belevantsev
LLVM-Based Code Clone Detection Framework
Sevak Sargsyan, Shamil Kurmangaleev, Vahagn Vardanyan, Vachagan Zakaryan
Code Clones Detection Based on Semantic Analysis for JavaScript Language
Vahagn Vardanyan, Seryozha Asryan, Ruben Buchatskiy
Integrated Register Rematerialization in JavaScript V8 JIT Compiler
Igor Velbitskiy
Programming into Graphs of a New Generation and the Single Graphical Shell for all Languages
Roman Zhuykov, Vahagn Vardanyan, Dmitry Melnik, Ruben Buchatskiy, Eugeniy Sharygin
Augmenting JavaScript JIT with Ahead-of-Time Compilation
Narek Abroyan, Robert Hakobyan
Parallelization of Sorting Algorithms
Edita Gichunts
Performance of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Solutions of Complex Hermitian Matrices on GPU Accelerator
Tigran Shahinyan
Parallel Processing of RDF Data in a Distributed Environment
Cloud and Grid Computing
H. Astsatryan, H. Abajyan, W. Narsisian, Georges da Costa, Tom Gurout
Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for 3D Classical Spin Glass Application
Vladimir Hovsepyan
Full Life Cycle Protection and Secure Distribution of Files in Clouds
Vladimir Korkhov, Ivan Gankevich, Alexander Degtyarev, Alexander Bogdanov, Vladimir Gaiduchok, Nabil Ahmed, Amissi Cubahiro
Experience in Building Virtual Private Supercomputer
Michael Zheludev, Evgeny Nagradov
Traffic Anomaly Detection and DDOS Attack Recognition Using Diffusion Map Technologies
Design and Testing
Davit Babayan
Power Optimization Approach of ORCA Processor for 32/28nm Technology Node
Tigranuhi Grigoryan, Heghineh Malkhasyan, Gevorg Mushyan, Valerik Vardanian
Fault Collapsing For Digital Circuits Based On Relations between Stuck-At Faults
Harutyun Krrikyan, Taron Hovhannisyan, Sergey Manukyan
Prototyping System for USB3.0 Link Layer Using Synthesizable Assertions and Partial Reconfiguration
Telecommunication and Networking
Taksu Cheon, Sergey Poghosyan
Time-Periodic Quantum Point Interactions
Arthur Petrosyan, Eugene Prokhorenko, Mary Khachatryan
Securing E-mail Service in ASNET-AM Network
Ashot Shahverdian
A Theorem on Higher-Order Differences of Two-State Markov Chains
Arthur Petrosyan, Eugene Prokhorenko
Enhanced Accessibility for DNS Service in ASNET-AM Network
Goharik Petrosyan
Modeling of the Process of Consumers with Several Extensions of Petri Nets
Rahim Rashidi, Keyhan Khamforoosh, Faroogh Ashkavti, Behnam Salehyazad
Introduction of an Integrated Environment for Modeling and Evaluation of Performance of Computer Networks
Information Technologies and Applications
Giorgi Baghaturia, Marina Menteshashvili
Numerical Algorithms for a Solution of Quasi-Linear Second Order Partial Differential Equation of Mixed Type
Anton Devčić, Marko Šostar, Berislav Andrlić
Limitations of Agronet System in e-projects: Case Study of Croatia
David Gordeziani, Tinatin Davitashvili, Hamlet Meladze
Numerical Solution of Nonlocal Contact Problems for Elliptic Equations
Hrant Hovhannisyan, Abo Yesayan, Levon Yepiskoposyan
Designing and Implementing a Novel Database for Human Mitogenomes
Artak Khemchyan
Secret Sharing Based on BCH Error Correction Code
Iurii Kryvonos, Iurii Krak, Waldemar Wojcik
Information Technologies Applications for Sign Languages Investigations
Areg Mickaelian
Big Data in Modern Astronomy and Computational Astrophysics
Aqsa Bajwa, Usman Humayun Mirza, Usman Qamar
Framework for Incorporating Social Networks with Recommender Systems: An Implementation of Profiling Users
Mikayel Gyurjyan, Zaven Naghashyan, Emma Gevorgyan
Research and Application of Project Management methodologies and tools in Academic environment
Usman Humayun Mirza, Aqsa Bajwa, Usman Qamar
Framework for Incorporating Social Networks with Recommender Systems: an Implementation of Profiling Products
Narek Pahlevanyan, Mariam Haroutunian
Technical Solutions of Developing Advanced Inftheo New Module for R
Arthur Petrosyan, Gurgen Petrosyan, Tigran Hakobyan
ASNET-AM Scientific Publications Internal Access System Implementation
Artur Tadevosyan
Real time SAR Simulator Design
Cognitive Algorithms and Models
Sedrak Grigoryan
On Validity of Personalized Planning and Integrated Testing Algorithms in Reproducible Games
Minas Hovhannisyan, Svetlana Avetisyan
Clustering of Random Networks under Topological Constraints
Suren Khachatryan, Armen Zakaryan
Extracting Meanings from Simple Algorithmic Problems
Alireza Moradkhani
Optimal Strategy Development Framework for SCM Trading Agent
Edward Pogossian
On Assessment of Performance of Systems by Combining On-the-Job and Expert Attributes Scales
Suren Zolyan
On the (Multi-)Semantic Theory of Text: Prolegomena to Formalization
Aram A. Avetisyan, Levon R. Hakobyan
Some Approaches to the Automation of the Correction Algorithm of the NL–UNL Transformation Errors
Vachagan Vahradyan, Tigran Apozyan
On Meanings of Words, Sentences and Texts Interpreted for Chess and Literary Eastern Armenian
Workshop “International Virtual Laboratory on CS”
A. Hankel, H. Astsatryan, W. Narsisian
The GÈANT Green Team: an Example of How Organizations Can Use a Community Approach to Promote the Use of ICT in Sustainability Efforts
Artur Gevorgyan, Hamlet Melkonyan, Rita Abrahamyan, Zarmandukht Petrosyan, Anna Shachnazaryan, Hrachya Astsatryan, Vladimir Sahakyan, Yuri Shoukourian
A Persistent Surface Inversion Event in Armenia as Simulated by WRF Model
Workshop “Information Technologies in Education”
Svetlana Akhmetova, Irena Esaulova
The «Flipped Learning» Technology as an Element of the New Educational Model of the University
Ara Arakelyan, Ani Balasanyan
Building and Execution of Queries for Educational Process Management System
Ara Arakelyan, Artak Khachatryan
Educational Process Management System
Valentin Afanasiev, Vladimir Linnik, Alexandra Mitrofanova
Experience in Development of Balanced Scorecards System for Higher Educational Institutions
Mariam Haroutunian, Varazdat Avetisyan
Development of the Test Quality Evaluation System
Ella Hovhannisyan
Adaptive Testing in the System of Learning Outcome Assessment
Jean-Pierre Jessel
Virtual Laboratories Implemented in Serious Games for Virtual Heritage at University and for Teaching Sciences
Elena Mitrofanova, Ekaterina Kashtanova, Konstantin Trubitsyn
Development and Implementation of Multimedia Educational Technologies in the Educational Process of Higher Educational Establishments
Tea Munjishvili, Zurab Munjishvili, Omar Nakashidze
Knowledge Assimilating, Assessment, Revealing, and Analysis by Computer System (“Cyber 2”)
Marine Usepyan
Development of Hierarchical Educational Qualifications Frameworks Based on Feedback from Stakeholders
Elena Vasileva, Elena Mitrofanova
Dynamic Prediction Model Reproduction of Human Resources of the Information Technology Industry
Natalia Zhurbina, Elena Yakushkina
Online Survey Based Analysis of the Level of Information development in Social Sciences` Education
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